CBA will present 6 papers at Ubicomp/ISWC 2019! Meet us in London, UK from September 9-13, 2019!

  1. Prediction of Mood Instability with Passive Sensing (link will be added soon) โ€” presented by Mehrab Bin Morshed from Georgia Institute of Technology

  2. Multi-target Affect Detection in the Wild: An Exploratory Study โ€” presented by Philip Schmidt from University of Siegen/Bosch

  3. On the Role of Features in Human Activity Recognition โ€” presented by Harish Haresamudram from Georgia Institute of Technology

  4. Handling Annotation Uncertainty in Human Activity Recognition โ€” presented by Hyeokhyen Kwon from Georgia Institute of Technology

  5. Towards Reliable, Automated General Movement Assessment for Perinatal Stroke Screening in Infants Using Wearable Accelerometers โ€” presented by Yu Guan from Newcastle University

  6. Automated Detection of Infant Holding Using Wearable Sensing: Implications for Developmental Science and Intervention โ€” presented by Xuewen Yao from UT Austin

Congratulations to all authors! Meet us at Ubicomp/ISWC 2019!